Monday, October 8, 2007


Ok so it's been almost exactly two months since my last post and I apologize!!!
Mom's calling Shadow "Cutestuff" a lot less now and has been transitioning into "Pretty Girl." She's still cute, but a lot bigger. She's doing very well and now has a very large vocabulary including Shadow, come, sit, stay, down under (the table), outside, inside, eat, leave it, out (...OF YOUR MOUTH!), ice, treat, busy, forward, stop, down, off, no bite, quiet, and maybe "right about". We're also still working on "down under", too. Here are my very late pictures...
AWWWWWWWW!!! So what if it's really blurry; I caught the perfect moment! She's sooo adorable! This was while she was upstairs after Chemistry class. She stays up there while Mom teaches.

Looking quite guilty after dropping her leash. I told her to "leave it." Her leash isn't a chew toy, but I'm not sure she knows that yet. We switched her over to her big girl leash, by the way, as you can tell. AND (oooh this is SOOOOOOOOO exciting!!) guess what? She gets in the car ALL ON HER LONESOME!!!!! The SUV! It's amazing. Oh yeah, and she needs the big girl coat, too. Her puppy coat looks funny on her now and it's too big. We'll be getting the new one Saturday.
She's growing up!! So sad! So big at 5 months old!!!
What's that? The best idea since who knows when! My aunt gave me this little plaster thingie for my birthday to capture her paw print in!!! I thought it was the bestest idea ever, but Shadow didn't. She squirmed and hated the feeling of it between her toes. Got it all over her feet AND nose the first time. This is the plaster while it's still setting a little. It's in liquid form in the picture above.
Evidence of the struggles...Yep. And you can tell she slid coming back towards the kitchen.
The end result. It's not too deep, because the plaster had started to harden by this time. And further evidence of Shadow's stressful experience are the pieces of fur in the plaster. =)
She was easily consoled with an ice cube.


Kristen said...

WoW!man has she grown!she looks bigger than Rei! that was cute about the paw print!lol

Christina in NC said...

haha i know!!!

Anna said...

just saw the paw print puppy raising leader bought these nifty little thingies that was meant for the same idea, but it was really nice, and if the paw print didn't turn out you could remold it, etc. it was almost a little foamy :) i just can't remember what it was called....

HML said...

Glad you posted! I've been checking. Too cute about the paw print... blame it on your aunt though (HA!). She has gotten sooo big. Can't wait to see more pics.

Christina in NC said...

haha yup I will definitely blame it on you! But I a also plan on doing the same thing for every puppy I ever have (let's see how that works out...).

She HAS gotten big. And I need to find out where to take pics of her and of her doing WHAT. But I'll get some. =)