Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tatra comes to visit

Tatra and Beamer, two 10-week-old sister Lab puppies, came from NY and needed homes for the night before continuing their journeys to Georgia to their new puppy raiser families. We kept Tatra overnight.
Shadow looking at her new friend. She was attempting to calm down so she can see the puppy.
Tatra! She was adorable! Smelled like puppy. :)
Shadow was the one who started most of the play fights and ended up too rowdy, but Tatra will definitely be able to hold her own. She fights back and did actually start some of the feisty-ness.
Adorable face!!! If Shadow got too rowdy, she'd take her favorite puppy-sized toy of Shadow's (like the black one in the background) and calmly climb up into your lap.

Worn out!
Tatra was taken from her litter-mates that morning, so we let Shadow sleep nearby on her bed. Tatra was put in Shadow's crate with a towel. She cried...a lot.
Eating together! Her ears got all in her food.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Supposedly it was going to snow 2-4 inches and we were so excited we were FINALLY getting a little snow. What we got is half-gone already and really pathetic. This picture is the snow at its heaviest last night.
This is from a few minutes ago. Note the lack of snow on the grass where it's already started melting. Shadow got to play in it and went wild. She's way too distracted to busy every time she goes out, too.
Laying in the sun. :)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A few pictures...

Shadow chewing her blue Christmas bone.
Laying in the sun! She lays downstairs for as long as she can to stay in the sun, and then she comes upstairs to the bonus room here and lays in down in from of the window seat.

Life-guarantee bone. Did NOT take Shadow long to totally ruin and start EATING this thing. We're getting our money back, obviously.